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 Our pursuit is of the heart of God, Who is the focus of everything we do. We will keep God the Center of our focus in every service, event, rally, and retreat. John: 5.20 declares" For the Father loveth the Son and sheweth Him all things that himself doeth: and He will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel".   Be fueled by prayer. We as men commit to praying in teams. The disciples saw the great works that Jesus did after He prayed, so they got together and asked Him; "Lord teach us to pray".  From the beginning, men gathered for prayer on a regular basis for the needs of their family, the church, and their community. Jesus taught that His disciples ought to pray and not lose heart.   1Thessalonians 5:17- Pray without ceasing. 

  • Events
  • Rallies
  • Retreats
  • Conference/Seminars
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