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Every couple goes through different circumstances, Resulting in Love and Pain. In a relationship it is how each person reponds to the situation. By reading this book it would definitely help you in your relationship. And you will get the answers you need. The purpose of this journal is for you to write down what you feel is missing in your relationship with (spouse, or your boyfriend or girlfriend). Separate from each other and write down what is lacking in your relationship. Before coming together, pray first about the situation. After both of you are finished, swap your journals and read what has been written. Then, both sit down and talk about it. It is not about yelling at one another or getting upset; it's about healing your relationship. It is all about being able to talk about the problem and having solutions to fix the problem, expressing your feeling to each other. Writing them down without interruptions in your journal could have a positive effect on your relationship.



Love and Pain How to Deal with Relationships Men's Journal

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